Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Some Random Pics that Daycare Took

I love books so much I have to sit in the book bin!

I'm so studious

I'm reading to the other babies :)

Eating is such hard work...

It's for you!

Here's my buddy Carson

Busy busy busy

Monday, September 19, 2011


10 months old :)
Peace out dudes
This is my "getting into something" grin

Lunching with Nutmeg
I couldn't sit still to eat my chicken nugget so I carried it in my mouth like a dog
Grandpa Schrader's so funny
Gramma snuggles!

Tractor rides with pop
Yay daddy!  I'm flying!
Hehehe I' m about to walk...
Really...I am
I took my first steps just after I turned 10 months old...
Now I'm getting braver with walking everyday 
I don't know if I can do it!
Mommy says I walk like I'm drunk
Bye bye!