Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Post for Great Gramma and Grampa Fase

I haven't posted in a while and I was told I had to post for Great Gramma and Grampa Fase :)

Here is my new cranial orthotic aka my rugby helmet :)
I need to wear it because I have a tight muscle in my neck and that caused a flat spot
on the side/back of my head.  My doctor said that I was a little squished inside my mommy
and that I got stuck in the same position for a long time and that caused it.
I'm a big girl now in my high chair!
I dont' mind my helmet so much- at least my crazy hair can still stick out the top!

Hmmm let me think about that...
Daddy time
Gramma scared me with all the pictures :)
Soooo tall
Fun in the tub- my favorite time!

Ha ha ha I stole the rag!

Mmmmm soapy water

All clean and ready for bed