Saturday, December 18, 2010

I think my toys are so funny!

Great Auntie Sue gave me this outfit!

More fun photos

Great Grandma Fase made Madelynn this beautiful blanket!  What a lucky little girl :)
My wonderful nurse Shalia knit this blanket for Madelynn
I was so excited because Mady held her rattle for the first time!  Yay for developmental milestones!

Cute little kitty cat hat
You can see why we are starting to like hats...the hair- what can you do?
Tuckered out

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Tricks!

Madelynn is showing off how big and strong she is getting by rolling over!

She's also smiling a lot more- I just can't catch it on camera very often.  I love baby grins!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Groen Grandparents Visit for Thanksgiving

Grandma and Grandpa Groen

Grandma getting Madelynn to smile

Mady does not like taking pictures

But the pacifier makes it all better :)

Lady is ready for her walk

Life is exhausting!

Our first trip to a restaurant- Great Wall of China.  

Madelynn is getting so strong, when she does tummy time now she can push herself way up!
Barrett and I were so excited we took a million pictures

As you can see the crazy hair continues.  Grandpa says she looks like Don King or Kramer!
Nothing we do can get it to lie down.

Grandma helped to finish decorating the nursery

She's getting so big!

Barrett and I got to have a date night to celebrate his 30th birthday

Bundled up and going for a walk