Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photo Shoots and Funny Faces

These pictures are of me and my cousin Elina.  Mommy and Aunt Darcy dressed us up in our matching outfits from Gramma Groen.  I can't wait until we are bigger and can play together all the time! :)

Me and my cousins- mommy says it is impossible to get a picture with all of us looking at the camera and no one crying!  Maybe in a few years :)
I think Benzi wants to sit in Daddy's lap!
I love to make bubbles!
Mommy thinks I make the funniest faces sometimes.  I forget why I was upset here, but I stick my bottom lip out to show my displeasure!

Seriously people stop taking my picture!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...I love her little monkey face she's doing where she just looks so sad! That little face could get her anything she wants :)
    She's just so precious!
